Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Change of Heart

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Change of Heart (Jim Brickman and Olivia Newton John)

     I have had lots of time to think about my life lately because of my current life circumstances. I wonder if this might be the reason why God has placed some of the challenges in my path of late. I feel I am at a crossroad in my life. I look behind and see my life as a child and as a parent and all that went with that, and look before me and see what life might bring in the future. I see that I am at a pivotal and critical time in my life choices. I have read about this time in a woman's life and how that sometimes feelings and emotions that have often been suppressed for years tend to surface. I find that I just can't "stuff it" or shove them back underground like I have done for many years. At times it feels like I am riding an emotional roller coaster and I don't know how to get off!

     Some days are more manageable than others. For example, I recently had an experience that brought to the surface a character weakness of mine that I thought I had conquered years ago! It seems that as life cycles around and around, hopefully spiraling upward, that at some times these situations come back to haunt me and need to be re-addressed and dealt with. I find this to be especially true if it is an issue that I "stuffed" or shoved aside earlier in my life journey because for whatever reason I didn't want to deal with it then. With this particular weakness I have felt embarrassed or ashamed about it because it was not what "good girls" are supposed to feel. But I am finding that if the issues haven't been dealt with in a productive and healing way the first time around, they resurface later on at vulnerable times in my life and demand to be dealt with then. Such is the nature of my latest revelation.

   It is a hard thing to see your weakness put blatantly in front of your face, and then realize that you aren't who you thought you were or who you would like to be. It certainly isn't very flattering or positive. It is also difficult to realize I cannot "fix" this by myself because I have tried - over and over again. The habit track of reacting this way is so deeply ingrained in my psyche that I'm not even sure where to start to fix it. But "they" say that recognition is the first step to healing it, so I think I am on the right track so far. It will take some time, prayer and patience to work through this and hopefully overcome it, eventually turning it into a character strength. I believe that with God all things are possible, but I also feel like "Lord, I believe, help thou my unbelief". I know it will take a leap of faith and trust in an all wise and knowing God in order to be able to turn this over to him and allow him to "fix" it. This is a hard thing for us "control freaks" to do, but I am so tired of dealing with this one that I am willing to try. It has disrupted my peace of mind and sucked the joy out of my life for the last time! It is time to "let go and let God". Time to surrender. I have to fight the urge to retain any part of it because if I do that I will never be free from it.

      So maybe this crossroad in my life journey, this point in time, really is about me after all. Maybe it's finally my turn to work some of this out and decide who I want to be and how I want to live the rest of my life. What a revelation! The trick for me will be allowing myself permission to take this time for me to figure it all out. I have taken care of everyone else but me for so long, this feels pretty selfish, scarey and overwhelming right now. I feel like a bird whose mother has just pushed her out of the nest and said fly - but without any instructions.

     Yesterday I "found" a necklace with a circular charm with the word "Greatness" engraved on it. Lying on top of the circle is another charm, a gold star. The card to which it was attached said: "The pursuit of Greatness is always daring, and calls forth our True potential. Never underestimate Your power for greatness. Wear this pendant as a symbol that greatness lives within you."  I may make some mistakes along the way, but I also know that I have to try, otherwise I will stagnate and die. Grow or die, it seems like I have heard (and said) that before. I will discover "what lies within" me and under God's watchful eye  - I will fly.

It's My Turn (Diana Ross)


Tuesday, March 19, 2013


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Take Me There (Hilary Weeks)

There is a place where every teardrop that falls is counted
And every piece of the heart that's been broken is put back together
A place where healing begins
And the hurting ends

Take me there
I'm ready to go
'Cause I can't carry this by myself anymore
Wrap me up
Hold me tight in Mercy's arms
Let Your sweet peace
Pour over me
And heal my soul
On the wings of this prayer
Take me there

There is a place where the past doesn't cast any shadows
Where love fills the corners of the heart and little by little
Dreams dare to be dreamed again
But only the broken know the way there
'Cause they've walked Redemption's road

Take me there
I'm ready to go
'Cause I can't carry this by myself anymore
Wrap me up
Hold me tight in Mercy's arms
Let Your sweet peace
Pour over me
And heal my soul
On the wings of this prayer
Take me there

I need Your name
I need Your grace
Oh to lead me to that place
Please take me to the place
Where You can heal my heart
Where You can heal my soul
Where You can heal me

Take me there
I'm ready to go
'Cause I can't carry this by myself anymore
Wrap me up
Hold me tight in Mercy's arms
Let Your sweet peace
Pour over me
And heal my soul
On the wings of this prayer
Take me there

     I have felt broken for a long, long time. This broken feeling goes back many years and through many different life experiences. Little by little pieces of my life have broken apart and along with them, so have pieces of my heart. Sometimes it was due to a loss of a loved one, sometimes it was due to a life change or a difficult life experience - all of which have chipped away at my heart and soul and have made me feel broken. I am starting to have a better understanding of the meaning of the words "a broken heart and a contrite spirit", and I have wondered if I would ever feel whole again.

    One night, not to long ago, I laid awake, once again unable to turn down the noise in my head so I could sleep. I tried clearing my thoughts. I tried deep breathing techniques I had learned. I went through the mental check list: was I hungry? cold? hot? uncomfortable? All answers were no. I was so frustrated. I knew I had a big day ahead of me and I needed my rest. As I laid there the thought came to me, "I just feel so broken". I wanted to cry. Instead, I decided to say a little prayer and ask God for some help in being able to relax and go to sleep. In my head I heard the words to the above Hilary Weeks song, particularly the lines "But only the broken know the way there/'Cause they've walked Redemption's road". I fought to remember where I had heard that line, and then I remembered the song. Then the rest of the song came to me, just like a lullaby, and lulled me into a restful sleep.

    That night I  felt broken, but I learned that:
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    This experience was proof to me that God is there for me, that He knows me and how to succor me, that "God loves broken me", and that if I let God, he will do the mending. "Praise His name, my God loves broken things".

Broken (Kenneth Cope)

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

"March Madness"

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Unwell (Matchbox 20)

     Doesn't the month of March just drive you mad?! One day it can be sunny, clear and warm, and the next day it can be a blizzard! When one is already suffering from cabin fever after months of being cooped up indoors, the ups and downs of schetzophrenic weather can drive a person crazy!!! Add to this an extended cold and flu season and it can really put one over the top. Enough already!

    Spring really is just around the corner, all you have to do is hold on for a few more weeks. Soon we will be able to get out into the great outdoors again and dig in that garden or walk around the block without fear of slipping and falling. In the meantime why not try taking a "Spring Break" by enjoying a few simple things that will help to make the shortening days even shorter. Here are a few suggestions that might just put a little "spring" back into your step:

    1. Just in time for Spring cleaning, rearrange the furniture! Why not try rearranging and/or sprucing up the furniture in one of your rooms. This need not cost you a dime if you use what you already have! Start by sketching a floor plan of the room you want to change and lay it out on paper first. Get creative and rethink how you might re-purpose something that you already own. Could that old vase be used as to hold a new Spring scented candle? Could I put a floral cover or pillow case over a throw pillow to give it a new look? It's time to put away the wool blankets and bring out the pastel colored throws. Spritz a Spring floral scent around the room to bring some cheer. Open up the curtains and/or blinds and let the sunshine in! (Just try to ignore the dirty windows).

     2. Listen to those sounds of Summer! Pull out the old Beach Boys albums, turn up Sheryl Crow and "Soak Up the Sun" and blast them while you do a dance! The exercise will make you feel better.

    3. Watch a Summer movie! Lay down some beach towels on the floor and watch "Mama Mia",  "Somewhere in Time" or some other movie that emits warm memories of summers gone by and warms your heart. Have a picnic with summer foods on the living room floor, eat some berries and/or watermelon and imagine escaping into a warm Summer day.

     4. Take a Spring Break trip to the Library! There is no better escape than a good book (well, except maybe a trip to Hawaii....but that's not always possible). Go and explore what's available at the local library and you will be amazed the many "place" you can "go". Borrow a travel video to some exotic place and "take a trip". Escape to a tropical paradise from the comfort of your own home. While you are at the Library why not pick up a cookbook of recipes that are native to the travel location in the video. Try fixing some new foods and let your sense of taste travel abroad.

     5. Bring a little Spring indoors! Purchase some Spring flowers and display them strategically around your home. If you are allergic or - as in my case, your pet likes to eat them - use artificial flowers. Your eyes can't tell the difference, just your nose (and cat) can! You will be amazed how much a bouquet will brighten a room and your disposition. Think Spring - daisies, tulips, hyacinths, daffodils!

       6. Visit an indoor botanical garden! It's butterfly season and many of the indoor gardens have special exhibits that involve the hatching and emerging of butterflies. What a great way to welcome a sign of Spring! Purchase some decorations with butterflies on them and display them around your home. The butterfly represents flight, freedom, and creative thinking - all three of which we could use in a March full of madness!

         You don't have to have a lot of money to "get away" and have a "Spring Break". According to Sheryl Crow,  "it's not having what you want, it's wanting what you've got" that makes the difference. So, go "soak up the sun" - while it's still free! 

Soak Up the Sun (Sheryl Crow)

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