“Life is God's gift to man,
what we do with that life is our gift to God.”
I recently ran across this writing I did almost 12 years go. I had "hit the wall" and knew that something in my life needed to change because what I was doing wasn't working well. It was the beginning of a long and arduous journey to a more abundant life. This year has been one with many challenges but also many blessings, especially my working with the Family Support Group. This experience has been such a great blessing to my life and has been one of the most significant steps I have taken along . . .
My Path to Simple Abundance
December 25, 2000
What am I doing with my life? What are the aspirations of my heart my dreams, wishes, desires. So long I've put them on the shelf, tabled to a time later in my life a less hectic time, a calmer time, a time of fewer demands. In doing so I have found I spend so much time rushing from here to there, for this or that, that my life is empty – void of the dreams, wishes and desires that make life worth living. I am in search of the peace, comfort and joy I know is out there somewhere ever elusive. The Scriptures tell us that “man is that he might have joy” (2 Nephi 2:25) and ”I am come that they might have joy, and that they might have it more abundantly” (John 10:10). This is the gift I have received this Christmas -- this and the book Simple Abundance by Sarah Ban Breathnach, from my friend, Sheila.
As I ponder my dreams and aspirations a few things come to my mind:
*To find daily peace and satisfaction in what I am doing right now, at this moment in my life.
*To not feel the need to please everyone more than or instead of myself.
*To feel and be happy and not be afraid to share those feelings with those around me.
*To not worry about what others say, think or do -- or how it might affect me.
*To freely give of my time, talents, and means without feeling worried or concerned or put out by doing so.
*To be able to say no to things I don't really want to do or have time to do, and not feel guilty for doing so.
*To feel joy and satisfaction in loving and serving my family and friends.
*To appreciate and feel appreciated.
*To use and share my creative abilities and talents.
*To begin or restart a long-shelved hobby or talent.
*To not fear but have enough faith and trust in God and myself to know that “everything will work together for good”.
*To see the good, feel good, be good -- in spite of what goes on around me.
*To love deeply and totally, without reservation.
*To relax and enjoy the ride of life more.
*God has given me so much; to be able to share more freely what He has given me.
*To some day return to school and pursue that elusive bachelor’s degree.
*To put into practice, the gospel of Jesus Christ, and see that it does work and it does bring abundance and happiness.
*To learn how to handle the stresses of my life -- to control them, not let them control me.
*To discover a new talent I have, but I didn't know I had.
*To be aware of the needs of my children, my husband, and how to meet those needs to the best of my ability and feel good about doing it.
*To have sufficient for our needs so I don't have to worry about money, especially in November and December.
*To be better organized -- especially on my desk and the clutter in the dining room.
*To feel more in control of my life and my emotions. Take better care of myself physically and emotionally and mentally.
*Learn how to meditate and relax.
*Be more patient with myself and others.
*To be the daughter of God I am meant to be.
*To feel the Christmas spirit before December 25.
This is the start of my path to simple abundance, this is where I begin.
While I don't feel like I am completely "there" yet, as I read this I am amazed at what remarkable progress I feel I have made along this path. I am so thankful that I took the time to clarify my thoughts and to write them down for my future reference. "A goal unwritten is merely a wish", and it brings a deep sense of satisfaction to see the progress I have made along my path. Reviewing this list also helps to clarify where I still need to do some work. I think that this year I will repeat this exercise and write down some new dreams and aspirations to work toward, since I can now cross some of these items off of the list. As Socrates once said, "An unexamined life is not worth living", and I couldn't agree more. With God, nothing is impossible, so I will put my hand in His and together we will move onward and upward.
Put Your Hand In the Hand