Saturday, December 22, 2012

The Gift I Gave Myself

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“Life is God's gift to man,
what we do with that life is our gift to God.”

Simple Gifts (Jim Brickman)

     I recently ran across this writing I did almost 12 years go. I had "hit the wall" and knew that something in my life needed to change because what I was doing wasn't working well. It was the beginning of a long and arduous journey to a more abundant life.  This year has been one with many challenges but also many blessings, especially my working with the Family Support Group. This experience has been such a great blessing to my life and has been one of the most significant steps I have taken along . . .
My Path to Simple Abundance
December 25, 2000
What am I doing with my life? What are the aspirations of my heart my dreams, wishes, desires. So long I've put them on the shelf, tabled to a time later in my life a less hectic time, a calmer time, a time of fewer demands. In doing so I have found I spend so much time rushing from here to there, for this or that, that my life is empty – void of the dreams, wishes and desires that make life worth living.  I am in search of the peace, comfort and joy I know is out there somewhere ever elusive. The Scriptures tell us that “man is that he might have joy” (2 Nephi 2:25) and ”I am come that they might have joy, and that they might have it more abundantly” (John 10:10). This is the gift I have received this Christmas -- this and the book Simple Abundance by Sarah Ban Breathnach, from my friend, Sheila.
                As I ponder my dreams and aspirations a few things come to my mind:
     *To find daily peace and satisfaction in what I am doing right now, at this moment in my life.
     *To not feel the need to please everyone more than or instead of myself.
     *To feel and be happy and not be afraid to share those feelings with those around me.
     *To not worry about what others say, think or do -- or how it might affect me.
     *To freely give of my time, talents, and means without feeling worried or concerned or put out by doing so.
     *To be able to say no to things I don't really want to do or have time to do, and not feel guilty for doing so.
     *To feel joy and satisfaction in loving and serving my family and friends.
     *To appreciate and feel appreciated.
     *To use and share my creative abilities and talents. 
     *To begin or restart a long-shelved hobby or talent.
     *To not fear but have enough faith and trust in God and myself to know that “everything will work together for good”.
     *To see the good, feel good, be good -- in spite of what goes on around me.
     *To love deeply and totally, without reservation.
     *To relax and enjoy the ride of life more.
     *God has given me so much; to be able to share more freely what He has given me.
     *To some day return to school and pursue that elusive bachelor’s degree.
     *To put into practice, the gospel of Jesus Christ, and see that it does work and it does bring abundance and happiness.
     *To learn how to handle the stresses of my life -- to control them, not let them control me.
     *To discover a new talent I have, but I didn't know I had.
     *To be aware of the needs of my children, my husband, and how to meet those needs to the best of my ability and feel good about doing it.
     *To have sufficient for our needs so I don't have to worry about money, especially in November and December.
     *To be better organized -- especially on my desk and the clutter in the dining room.
     *To feel more in control of my life and my emotions.  Take better care of myself physically and emotionally and mentally.
     *Learn how to meditate and relax.
     *Be more patient with myself and others.
     *To be the daughter of God I am meant to be.
      *To feel the Christmas spirit before December 25.
          This is the start of my path to simple abundance, this is where I begin.
     While I don't feel like I am completely "there" yet, as I read this I am amazed at what remarkable progress I feel I have made along this path. I am so thankful that I took the time to clarify my thoughts and to write them down for my future reference. "A goal unwritten is merely a wish", and it brings a deep sense of satisfaction to see the progress I have made along my path. Reviewing this list also helps to clarify where I still need to do some work. I think that this year I will repeat this exercise and write down some new dreams and aspirations to work toward, since I can now cross some of these items off of the list. As Socrates once said, "An unexamined life is not worth living", and I couldn't agree more. With God, nothing is impossible, so I will put my hand in His and together we will move onward and upward.
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Put Your Hand In the Hand

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Choosing Peace - A Christmas Gift

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"Christmas gift suggestions:
To your enemy, forgiveness,
To an opponent, tolerance.
To a friend, you heart.
To a customer, service.
To all, charity.
To every child, a good example.
To yourself, respect."

 - Oren Arnold

Let There Be Peace On Earth (Vince Gill with his daughter, Jennie)

     Today I made a choice. A few days ago I made an arrangement to meet up with a friend to have breakfast at a local eatery. I woke up, dressed and made my way to the location. I arrived a few minutes early because I didn't want to be late. I went inside and sat down to wait for her arrival. I waited ... waited ... and waited some more. After waiting for about 15 minutes after our arranged time to meet up and she wasn't there I decided that she wasn't going to come. At that moment I had a choice to make. My choices were to a) be upset and angry with her because she didn't show up, didn't call or text; or b) make the best of the situation. I am happy to say that I made choice "b". I decided at that moment that I was not going to let this situation ruin my morning mood or set a bad tone for the rest of my day. I was not going to be upset or angry with her. There had to be an explanation for the situation because it was simply not like her to do something like that to a friend. So, instead of getting all upset, angry and embarrassed, I decided to "treat myself" to a chocolate chip bagel with low-fat cream cheese and a wild berry fruit smoothie - and they were both delicious! But more than that, I walked away feeling good inside - peaceful and content.

     I am not going to lie, a few short months ago I would probably not have been able to select choice "b", but would have gone straight to choice "a". I think I am making progress. I am choosing peace. Let's face it, none of us are perfect, we all make mistakes. I have to give some credit where credit is due - to the Family Support Group in which I have been participating for the past 8 months. This program has given me an awareness of my own humanness and some of my weaknesses, one of which is being quick to anger. I am trying to turn this weakness into a strength. I am trying to do this by making more peaceful and conscientious choices, like the one I chose this morning. I am free to choose how I will act and/or react to any given situation. Choosing peace brings me peace, joy and happiness. I feel empowered in the fact that I was able to overcome my natural tendency to anger and recognize this was a huge step forward for me. By the way, I later received a very apologetic phone call with a simple explanation for the situation. All was forgiven and smoothed over, much to the relief of my friend. It was a win, win. I felt good and happy and at peace, and she felt better knowing I was not angry or upset with her for her mistake.

     During this time of year, the Christmas season with all of the demands and stresses, I think it takes extra effort to choose peace. At the crowded mall or department store, at the loud holiday party, in the parking lot or on the streets surrounding the mall, at the checkout counter - we can choose peace. Choosing peace perpetuates peace. I am reminded of what the Heavenly Host declared on that first Christmas morning: "Glory to God in the highest and on earth peace, goodwill toward men." (Luke 2:14). This morning I had a choice to make and I chose peace. What a different world we would live in if more people made that same choice. "Let there be peace on earth, and let it begin with me".

Far, Far Away on Judea's Plains

"Far, far away on Judea's plains,
Shepherds of old heard the joyous strains:

Glory to God, Glory to God,
Glory to God in the highest;
Peace on earth, goodwill to men;
Peace on earth, goodwill to men!

Sweet are these strains of redeeming love,
Message of mercy from heav'n above:

Glory to God, Glory to God,
Glory to God in the highest;
Peace on earth, goodwill to men;
Peace on earth, goodwill to men!

Lord, with the angels we too would rejoice;
Help us to sing with the heart and voice:

Glory to God, Glory to God,
Glory to God in the highest;
Peace on earth, goodwill to men;
Peace on earth, goodwill to men!

Hasten the time when, from ev'ry clime,
Men shall unite in the strains sublime:

Glory to God, Glory to God,
Glory to God in the highest;
Peace on earth, goodwill to men;
Peace on earth, goodwill to men!

(Text and music: John Menzies Macfarlane, 1833-1892)

Far, Far Away on Judea's Plains (Mormon Tabernacle Choir)

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Is There Room In Your Christmas for Christ?

O Holy Night (Josh Groban w/scenes from The Nativity)

     This morning I was doing some Christmas shopping in one of my local stores. I had to pick up some extra tape for wrapping some presents. I have a friend who mentioned that she couldn't find any Nativity sets in the local store where she was looking, so I decided to do some checking for them in the store where I was shopping. Much to my dismay I found sets for "A Charlie Brown Christmas", "Rudolph, the Red-nosed Reindeer" and "How the Grinch Stole Christmas", but I didn't find one Nativity set in the whole store! It gave me pause to think. Why was I shopping in a store that didn't honor Christ at Christmas, the holiday that we celebrate his birth?!

   I have another friend who will only buy Christmas cards that feature pictures of Jesus Christ or the nativity. She has mentioned to me how difficult it has become to find those as well. I liked her suggestion and so I have been trying to focus my Christmas Cards more on the birth of the Savior, Jesus Christ. Do you know how hard it is to find Christmas Cards with pictures of Christ or his birth on them? Try it sometime and you will be amazed at how difficult it is.

   Christmas has become such a secular holiday. These days it is more a celebration of anything winter, anything except the birth of the Lord, Jesus Christ! I say put Christ back into Christmas! After all, He is the reason we celebrate Christmas each year. He was around long before Rudolph, The Grinch, Frosty the Snowman, Santa Claus or any of the derivatives thereof.

    This year due to my difficulties getting around post knee/leg surgery, I have decided to limit how much decorating I am doing at my house. The one thing that I have decided that I will decorate with is my collection of Nativity scenes. I have a ceramic one displayed in my china cabinet that my mother and I made together many years ago. It always held a place of honor in the living room of my parent's home. As I child I remember sitting by the round table on which it was displayed and gazing at it, pondering the scripture story of the birth of Jesus. I remember the feeling of warmth and peace that I felt in my heart as I gazed at the pieces finished with antique gold over the white ceramic. I wondered about what it would have been like to have been there and seen the star and heard the angels singing.

    The Christmas after my father passed away my sister and brother-in-law gifted me with The Nativity by Willow Tree. If you are familiar with this set you will recognize the fact that there are no facial expressions painted on the figurines. I love this nativity set because of that fact. The designer portrayed so much of what the figures might have felt in the way she designed the positions of their bodies. Mary is cradling the baby Jesus in her arms, lovingly looking into His face. Joseph is looking over her shoulder, keeping watch over his precious little family. One shepard is kneeling in reverence and respect, and another is lovingly holding a lamb in his arms as he looks on. Even the animals exhibit reverence for the Savior and the event of His birth. I love this set, not only for the beautiful images it portrays, but also because every time I take it out to display it I think of the dear ones that gave it to me.

     I have another figurine of just Joseph keeping watch over his beloved Mary and the baby Jesus. It is painted a pale blue and white and had a bit of an ethereal quality to it. It is not large nor expensive, but I really like the details and the design of this one as well. I have a couple of other smaller sets as well that I cherish for various reasons. One was a gift that my sister brought back from Israel when they made a trip to the Holy Land many years ago. It is made of olive wood and I treasure it because it came from there and it was such a thoughtful gift from them. It can be made into an ornament and hung on the tree if I so desire. I have another small set with individual character pieces that is made of white porcelain.

    I guess this is a round about way of getting to something that I learned many years ago while listening to a then "new" set of Christmas Carols written by a brilliant musician, Michael McLean titled "The Forgotten Carols". Each year we must choose which aspect of Christmas will get the focus of our attention. Each year we must choose whether we will "let Him in" or spend our time and attention on the more secular aspects of Christmas. Which will you choose? Is there room in your Christmas for Jesus?  Is there room in your heart for our Savior? I choose to make room and "let Him in". Christ is the reason we celebrate Christmas each year.

    "He let's us choose,
     each hour of each day,
     if we'll let him in to stay.

     Let Him in, let Him in
     Let the joy and hope begin
     Let Him in, let Him in
     Let the peace on earth begin

     And whether it be in your world today
     or a crowded Bethlehem Inn
     Find a way, make Him room...
     LET HIM IN"
Let Him In (Michaela McLean from "The Forgotten Carols")


Is There Room? (Hilary Weeks)