Tuesday, April 24, 2012

If I Had My Life to Live Over....

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If I had my life to live over,
I would relax more.
I wouldn't take so many things so seriously.
I would take more chances.
I would climb more mountains,
and swim more rivers...
Next time
I'd start barefooted earlier in the spring
and stay that way later in the fall.
I wouldn't make such good grades
unless I enjoyed working for them.
I'd go to more dances.
I'd ride on more merry-go-rounds.
I'd pick more daisies.

 - Frank Dickey-

      The older I get the truer this rings! I have wasted too much time in my life stressing and worrying about things over which I have no control. The worrying leads to fear which leads to anxiety which uses way too much energy. It has aged me before my time.  I wish I was braver, less afraid to try new things. I take too many things personally and my life much too seriously. I "beat myself up" much too often over the most insignificant and mundane things. I am a "pleaser" and a perfectionist, which has caused some conflicts in relationships and friendships. I am much too hard on myself.  I don't take enough time to savor my successes before thinking about or moving on to the next "thing" (whatever it is). I need to laugh a bit more and enjoy each moment. Breathe. Let go. Slow down, feel the joy and enjoy the life journey. Where there is life, there is hope - I think I'll go and pick some daisies.

"Enjoy life, this is not a rehearsal."

Vienna (Billy Joel)

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