This is the Moment - Jekyll and Hyde
Wow! What a few months these have been! Talk about a roller coaster ride!
I have been trying patiently (well, really my patience has been tried) to figure out my next step in my life. I have been trying to wait patiently for some indication, some inspiration from above what the next move should be for me. Finally, after months of tears, fears and prayers, the moment of understanding has finally arrived and it has been awesome to see all of the pieces fall into place.
I have been wondering a lot about my life over the past six months. Wondering why I was born into the family situation into which I was placed. Wondering why I have had some of the life experiences that I have had, especially in dealing with illness, loss and grief. I have wondered about certain aspects of my personality, essentially why I am the way I am. I believe that God made me this way and put me in my life at this time, in this way, for a reason - but what is it? I have recently discovered some of what that is and it feels so amazing to finally know and begin to understand.
Elder Orson F. Whitney (1855-1931) who was a member of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, said this: "To whom do we look, in days of grief and disaster, for help and consolation? ...They are men and women who have suffered, and out of their experience in suffering they bring forth the riches of their sympathy and condolences as a blessing to those now in need. Could they do this had they not suffered themselves?" (As quoted by President James E. Faust in the Ensign, Feb. 2006, 3)
This is it! This is an answer as to so many of the "why's" in my life.Without going into too much detail, I have been asked to be a group leader with a Family Support Group through my church. This program and what it does to help others is helping me to put into place some of the pieces that have been missing in my life. It is answering the "why" questions in truly inspirational ways! I would never, in a million years, have thought that I would be involved with a program like this; and without the strong suggestion from a couple of inspired friends, I probably wouldn't be. I feel so grateful for the opportunity to share some of my life experiences, and hopefully help others who are going through similar situations in their lives. It is helping to make some sense of it all. As we share we all learn, and it's miraculous what happens. "No man is an island, no man stands alone". We need each other and we need to admit and understand that we need each other. My father used to say, "it takes all kinds to make a world" and he was exactly right.
This Is It! - Kenny Loggins with Michaela McDonald
(Note: The story behind this song, listed below the video in the link, seems especially significant and fitting - enjoy!)
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