Simple Things (Jim Brickman)
Every day we give up a portion of our precious lives for what we value most. What do you value most? What matters most to you? It is really something to stop and think about. You only have one life. You only have one chance each moment of each day to do what you do, so what do you choose to do with that precious moment? How do you decide what matters most or what is the most important thing that needs to be done at that moment of that day? Where did these values come from? From your parents? From your past? From your own life experiences? From your religious beliefs? You choose each day what you value most by how you spend your time.
Life can get pretty messy sometimes. There is so much sadness, grief, sorrow, anger, injustice and just plain pain that goes on in, and around us, every day. How do we separate ourselves from it? How do we protect ourselves from letting it permeate our lives? How do we find what's "right with the world", when everything appears to be so wrong? How do we stay connected to "the world", but not become part of "the world"? I suggest that one way is to turn off the television and tune out the internet occasionally, just to catch a breath.
I don't know all the answers, but I will tell you what seems to work the best for me. Perhaps by sharing what I do, it may help you. One of the first things I do in the morning is to pray. I believe in God, and I believe in His Son, Jesus Christ, and because of this belief I feel it is essential for me to talk to God each day through prayer. As I ponder what I want to talk about with God it helps me to focus on the things that matter most to me, the things that I am the most grateful for in my life. When I feel sorrow or anger, grief or pain, lack of understanding, a need for guidance in my life or a need for some peace, God is where I turn. I also turn to God's word through the Scriptures. I try to spend some time each day reading, pondering and studying God's word. Praying is how I talk to God. Scripture study is one way that God "speaks" to me.
Another thing that I try to do at least a few days of the week is to do some form of exercise. I am unable to do every kind of exercise that I would like to do due to some physical limitations, but I try to at least do something. One of my favorite forms of exercise is yoga. Yoga helps to slow down my thought processes and focuses my mind on the present, on just "being" for 20 to 30 minutes in my busy day. I sometimes struggle with anxiety, and by doing my yogic breathing I am able to release some of the tension and anxiety that sits in the pit of my stomach. It has made a world of difference for my physical and mental health. I also enjoy doing some strength training and stretching a few times a week, usually along with the yoga. It makes me feel like I have accomplished something, done something good for my body. It makes me feel powerful and strong enough to handle what each day brings my way.
One of the best things that I use on a daily basis to help me focus on what matters most is music. It is a rare occasion when I don't have some sort of music playing in the background. Different types of music can make me feel different ways. If I am especially tense or anxious, I play some more relaxing types of music. It is usually instrumental, usually piano or strings, and it is slow and calming. If I need energy then I play something more upbeat and positive, a little soft rock or oldies. And if I am angry or frustrated, bring out the harder rock - not acid rock (no fan here) - but something with a more intense beat and rhythm. Then sometimes I go out and take a walk with the ear phones in or hop on my stationary bike and ride away until those feelings are worked through (this way I am not taking my feelings out on those around me - which helps to preserve those precious relationships).
I enjoy being out of doors as much as possible. I think that focusing on and connecting with the beauties of nature in the world around us helps us to get a better perspective on what really matters, and on who made it all possible.I gives us a better view of "the big picture". I especially enjoy digging and working in my flower garden. There is just something about "the cycle of life" that one experiences through gardening that helps to put things into perspective. When it feels like all the world around us is full of ugliness, stepping outside and into a "beautiful world" just seems to make everything feel better.
"God is in His heaven; all's right with the world."
Beautiful World (Jim Brickman featuring Adam Crossley)
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