Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Healing Tears

Just Let Me Cry (Hilary Weeks)


I believe that everything happens for a reason
We're not just tossed by the wind and left in the
   hands of fate
But sometimes life sends a storm that's unexpected
And we're forced to face our deepest pain

When I feel the heartache begin to pull me under
I dig my heels in deep and I fight to keep my ground
Still at times the hurt inside grows stronger
And there's nothing I can do but let it out

Just let me cry
I know it's hard to see
But the pain I feel
Isn't going away today
Just let me cry
Till every tear has fallen
Don't ask when and don't ask why
Just let me cry

When I agreed that God could put this heart
   inside me
I understood that there would be a chance that it
    would break
But I know He knows exactly how I'm feeling
And I know in time He'll take the pain away
But for now

Just let me cry
I know it's hard to see
But the pain I feel
Isn't going away today
Just let me cry
Till every tear has fallen
Don't ask when and don't ask why
Just let me cry

I have felt joy the kind that makes my heart
    want to sing
And so my tears are not a surrender
I'll feel that way again
But for now
For this moment

Just let me cry
I know it's hard to see
But the pain I feel
Isn't going away today
Just let me cry
Till every tear has fallen
Don't ask when and don't ask why
Just let me cry

I believe that everything happens for a reason

    I'm a cryer, I admit it! I haven't always been a cryer, but I'm a cryer now. Maybe it's what happens as we age. Maybe it's what happens as we go through life and allow ourselves to actually feel the full impact of what's going on inside of us. I used to be embarrassed to cry in public, probably because so many people view crying and tears in public as a weakness. I confess I have probably been guilty of some of that myself when I was younger, but not anymore. Life is messy sometimes, and just plain hard. Bad things happen to good people.  I think it took the death of my father and the compassion of a loving friend to help me understand the necessity of crying to help me begin to heal. At first after my father died, I would try to control the tears and "be strong" - for who? If found that this just gave me panic attacks and a huge headache! I had to come to terms with the fact that tears heal us. If we "let it out" then we aren't holding it in. It's a release of our feelings and our emotions. God gave us tears to help us heal. I usually feel such a relief after I have a good cry. Why walk around in life on the edge of tears and wanting to let it out, but fearing what "everyone else around us will think"? Who cares? It's not about what they are feeling, it's about what I am feeling. As Shrek says, "better out than in" ;-). I think that if we cried more there would be less need for all of those anti-depressants! So, I'm giving you permission to go ahead and cry - sob, weep, bawl, bewail, blubber, boohoo, burst into tears, let go, let it out, grieve, mourn - because only then can we begin to heal. (Now there, don't you feel better?)

Hear Me (Tears into Wine) - Jim Brickman (lyrics)

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