I Found Me
"It might seem backwards to some
Like tying your shoes before putting them on
Maybe it is out of sync
Out of order, a mystery
I found You then I found me
Like tying your shoes before putting them on
Maybe it is out of sync
Out of order, a mystery
I found You then I found me
I had been looking, it's true
I just didn't know I was looking for You
You introduced me to me
By showing me glimpses of who I could be
I found You then I found me
I just didn't know I was looking for You
You introduced me to me
By showing me glimpses of who I could be
I found You then I found me
Let's stay together always
You bring out the best in me
I know I'll never be lost again now that
I found You, I found You, I found You then I found me
Let's stay together always
You bring out the best in me
I know I'll never be lost again now that
I found You, I found You, I found You then I found me
Like the tide being pulled by the moon
Night and day I will follow You
Like a puzzle that needs the last piece
You find what's missing and make me complete
I found You then I found me
Night and day I will follow You
Like a puzzle that needs the last piece
You find what's missing and make me complete
I found You then I found me
(Repeat chorus)
The me with wings to soar
The me with courage to leave the shore
Unafraid of what I cannot see
The me with courage to leave the shore
Unafraid of what I cannot see
As crazy and strange as it seems
I've never felt more like me
How did I ever get by
Without You, without you
I've never felt more like me
How did I ever get by
Without You, without you
So, (repeat chorus)
(Hilary Weeks on SAY LOVE, 2013)
I wish I had a clip of this song to share with you here, but I don't. This song has come to mean a great deal to me, especially over the past year.
For the past 2 and 1/2 years I have been serving as an LDS Church Service Missionary working as a facilitator with the Family Support Group program (part of the church's Addiction Recovery Program). For the first few months I was getting to know, understand and work this developing program. Since then I have been applying the principles of this 12-Step Program, based on gospel principles, in my life and what a glorious difference it has made! I do not think I could have survived the past 2 and 1/2 years without it! Heavenly Father and an inspired bishop got me involved with it, and it has made an enormous difference in my life (thank you, David!).
In our weekly Family Support Group meetings we use a manual called Healing Through Christ (which can be downloaded free of charge at www.healingthroughchrist.org).
I have been so blessed through studying and working this program.
I have been so blessed through studying and working this program.
Although my life over the past few years has been challenging, I have been able to get through it with the help of this group and the associated materials. It has truly been a godsend for me, for which I will be eternally grateful.
As a result of this program I have felt more peace, and been able to experience joy again. I have come to better understand myself and my relationship to my Heavenly Father through the atonement of Jesus Christ. It is a one-of-a-kind self-improvement program, and has been a life changing experience. Words cannot adequately express my depth of love and gratitude for all I have learned and experienced, and for the strength it has given me. This program has helped me to strengthen and refine my relationship with Christ, as well as with other family members and friends. I have been able to, and continue to, find the "real me" - and that is a truly beautiful thing. Like the song says...
"I found You, then I found me! Let's stay together - always."
I would encourage all who feel the need to improve themselves and/or strengthen their relationship with Christ to check out the resources available on the website noted above. I assure you, you will be glad you did.
"God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change. Courage to change the things I can, and wisdom to know the difference."
Look to God and Live
"Do you see through troubled eyes;
Is you heart sore with complaint?
Are you trapped by desperate lies;
Has the light of hope grown faint?
Is you heart sore with complaint?
Are you trapped by desperate lies;
Has the light of hope grown faint?
Learn of Him.
Ask Him to forgive,
Hear His words and obey.
Learn of Him,
Seek the gift He gives,
Look to God and live.
Ask Him to forgive,
Hear His words and obey.
Learn of Him,
Seek the gift He gives,
Look to God and live.
Do you know your deepest fears
Can be swallowed up in light?
And peace can follow pain
Like the morning follows night.
Can be swallowed up in light?
And peace can follow pain
Like the morning follows night.
Learn of Him,
Seek the gift He gives,
Look to God and live.
Seek the gift He gives,
Look to God and live.
All things bear Him witness
All His words are true.
The word's a living lesson
That His love will reach to you.
All His words are true.
The word's a living lesson
That His love will reach to you.
Learn of Him.
Ask Him to forgive.
Hear His words and obey.
Learn of Him.
Seek the gift He gives.
Look to God and live.
Ask Him to forgive.
Hear His words and obey.
Learn of Him.
Seek the gift He gives.
Look to God and live.
(Steven K. Jones, 1995)